Friday, July 16, 2010

Arias under the stars

Reasons why New York is an amazing place to live #100,000 .. free outdoor music.

This city is full of the stuff - this week, I could have been to free shows every evening if I'd had the energy. Monday's treat was the Metropolitan Opera's concert at Central Park Summerstage. We spread a picnic out on a blanket, and along with thousands of other people - were treated to spine-tingling singing. I am no opera buff, so the programme of excerpts from different operas was a perfect taster. Susanna Phillips singing 'Can't Help Lovin' that man' from Showboat brought tears to my eyes, and her partnership with Nathan Gunn on 'La ci darem la mano' from Don Giovanni was magical. I loved it so much I am off to see the Met again at Brooklyn Bridge Park on Tuesday!

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